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Ross Emerson Fry (1883-1942)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 2/22/2024 at 18:32:19

From The Nevada Journal December 2, 1942 (page 1)

Ross Fry Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack

Ross E. Fry, 59, died early today at a hospital in Burlington, of a heart attack, suffered shortly after midnight when he had gone off of the shift at the Burlington Ordinance plant, where he had been employed in a supervisory capacity since the plant opened a year ago.

Word reached relatives here early today, indicating that the body will reach Thursday, but no particulars regarding the funeral and interment will be known until after the arrival of the wife and other relatives, with the body.

Ross Fry who was born in Richland township, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fry, 59 years ago, in September had lived in or near Nevada all of his life until moving to Burlington to take work in the ordinance plant.

He leaves besides his wife, seven children.

The eldest son, Mervin Fry who lives at Sioux Falls, S. D., was born to a former marriage.

Children by the present marriage are the son John who is in the U. S. navy; son Carmen, of Burlington; daughters Mrs. Verne Quam of Burlington; Leota Mae Hollenback, of California; Kathryn Launder, of California and Mable Fish of the state of Washington.

One son, John Fry, Jr., died a few years ago.


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