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Forkenbrock, Fred H. 1882-1933


Posted By: Paul Van Dyke--Volunteer
Date: 12/7/2016 at 08:00:18

Source: Alton Democrat (6-16-1933)

Born: July 17, 1882
Died: June 12, 1933


The sudden death of Fred H. Forkenbrock, highly esteemed citizen of this community, on Monday evening was a severe shock to his family and hundreds of friends. Although subject to attacks of illness for many years, he had been in his usual health until Sunday evening , but continued very ill all day Monday, passing away in his sleep shortly after 9:30 Monday night, June 12th.

Mr. Forkenbrock was born at Dyersville, Iowa, July 17th, 1882 and was 51 years of age at the time of his passing. He completed his studies in the parochial school at Dyersville and began college with the intention of preparing for the priesthood, but while studying at Mt. Angel, Oregon, in 1908 he was called home by the death of his mother, and the course of his career was changed. On November 25, 1908, he married Miss Catherine Diers of his home city, his brother, Reverend B.H. Forkenbrock officiating at the ceremony, The couple moved to a farm between Granville and Alton where they lived for several years before returning to Dyersville, where Mr. Forkenbrock was employed as bookkeeper for the Armstrong Lumber Company. Six years ago the family returned to their farm west of Granville. Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Forkenbrock, all but one of whom survive, namely Mrs. Herman Godapp (Dorothy), Granville; Bernard, S.M. a college student at Kirkwood, Missouri; Marie, Joseph, Ambrose, Herbert, Rita, Betty, Frederick, John and Ruth. Besides his wife and family there are surviving three brothers, Reverend B.H. Forkenbrock of New Hampton, Iowa; Frank of Adrina, Minneapolis and John of Tacoma, Washington, who are the sole survivors of a family of thirteen children, whose parents, the late Henry ad Mary Ann Forkenbrock, were pioneer residents of Dyersville.

A man of fine upright Christian character, Mr. Forkenbrock was admired and loved by all for his kindness, gentleness and consideration for others. He was devoted to his family and took a great interest in all young people, in all his contacts bringing out the best in everyone. Though he suffered much from ill health he was uncomplaining and of cheerful and courageous spirit. His blameless life and noble character will be a cherished memory among family and friends.

Diligent in business and honorable in all his dealings he was successful in his business and farming life, despite the handicaps of ill health and depressed business conditions.

He was a faithful member of Saint Mary’s parish and funeral services will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Alton, Friday morning at 9:30, in charge of the pastor, Reverend Schemel and Reverend B.H. Forkenbrock of New Hampton, who also officiated at his brother’s wedding. Those who had arrived Wednesday for the services were Mr. Forkenbrock’s father, Edward Diers and sons Will and Edward, Jr. of Dyersville, Mr. Forkenbrock’s brothers, John of Tacoma, Washington and Frank of Adrian, were also expected , besides many others. Bernard Forkenbrock arrived Wednesday morning from Kirkwood, Missouri, where he is a junior


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