Wiersma, Saakje (Mrs. Jan "John") 1885-1928
Posted By: Paul Van Dyke-Volunteer
Date: 12/9/2014 at 22:19:41
Source: Sioux County Index (7-6-1928)
Born: March 9, 1858
Died: June 24, 1928Mrs. Jan “John” Wiersma, Sr. of Orange City, died at 11:00 o’clock, Sunday eveninmg, June 24th. She had been gradually failing in health since last winter, but was so well that she was able to be up and around most of the time and was able to attend church services with her sons quite regularly.
Last Sunday she complained a little that she was not feeling well, but was able to read from the Bible, which was her greatest delight. At about 9:30 she retired leaving her Bible open on the table. A short time afterwards she called her sons and from then on began to fail rapidly and soon afterwards passed away.
Mrs. Saakje (De Groot) Wiersma was born in Friesland, Netherlands, March 9, 1858. In 1882 she moved with her father, sisters and brothers to America, locating on a farm in the vicinity of Orange City.
In 1885 she was united in marriage to John Wiersma, they living on the farm and in Orange City until the time of his death.
Mrs. Wiersma brought up a family of eighteen children, nine of her own and nine from her husband’s first marriage, all of whom found a kind and loving mother. The children are: Peter and George Wiersma of Orange City, Johannes Wiersma of Sanborn; Anna, Mrs. Reverend W. Meyer of Carnes; Garret Wiersma of Rock Valley; Dawie and Samuel Wiersma of Orange City; Pier Wiersma of Alton; and Alice, Mrs. H. Wiersma of Orange City. The step-children are Dora, Mrs. J. DeGroot of Hull; Johanna, Mrs. P. Brouwer, of Hull; William Wiersma of Sheldon; Jacob Wiersma of Hull; Maggie, Mrs. M.J. Schilt of Doon; Angeline, Mrs. W.J. Broawer of Hull; John Wiersma, Jr. of Edgerton, Minnesota; Hattie, Mrs. T. Hollander of Sioux Center; and Henry Wiersma of Alton.
She is survived by the eighteen children, a large number of grandchildren and great grandchildren and many friends; also the following brothers and sister; John DeGroot of Hull; Reverend D. DeGroot of Chicago; Pier DeGroot and Emily DeGroot of Orange City.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, June 27th at 1:30 o’clock at the house and at 2:00 o’clock at The First Christian Reformed Church of which she was a devoted member. Services were in charge was Reverend G.W. Hylkema.
Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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