Scheutz, Mr. Died 1938
Posted By: Paul Van Dyke-Volunteer
Date: 12/9/2014 at 22:10:36
Source: Sioux Center News (1-13-1938)
Mr. Scheutz of Hawarden died suddenly Tuesday noon at the home of his son Oren Scheutz, two miles east and five miles south of Hawarden. News of his death came as a shock to the community for though an old man, he was in good health.
He recently had purchased a radio and Tuesday morning climbed up on the roof of his son’s house ro line up the aerial. His daughter-in-law noted his lengthy absence and went out to see where he might be. She found his lifeless body lying on the edge of the roof not far from the place where he had been working on the aerial.
Mr. Scheutz has made his home in Hawarden since the death of his wife some years ago. Deceased was the grandfather of David Scheutz, whose wife is the former Francis Van Steenwyk of Sioux Center.
Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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