Schiebout, Johanna (Mrs. Ferdinand) 1862-1944
Posted By: Paul Van Dyke-Volunteer
Date: 12/9/2014 at 22:22:53
Source: Sioux Center News (11-23-1944)
Born: 1862
Died: November 22, 1944Mrs. Ferdinand Schiebout, a former Sioux Center resident, passed away very suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Gelensie at Everson, Washington, on Wednesday morning, November 22, 1944. She had reached the age of 82 years.
Mrs. Johanna Schiebout who has been making her home with her daughter since the death of her husband who passed away in 1936, was enjoying good health and was having lunch with her daughter Wednesday morning when she suddenly suffered a heart attack and passed away shortly afterwards.
She is survived by her three children; Chris of Sioux Center, Herman of Ireton and Mrs. Bert Gelensie at Everson, Washington. Also 31 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.
One son preceded her in death, passing away in infancy.
Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schiebout and at 2:00 o’clock at the First Christian Reformed Church with Reverend Annoys officiating.
Burial took place at the local cemetery and acting as pall bearers were Syne Gerritsma, William Kraayenbrink, G. De Goel, William Heynen, Barney Kempers and Gerrit Vander Kieft.
Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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