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Smith, John 1850-1920


Posted By: Paul Van Dyke-Volunteer
Date: 9/22/2014 at 23:13:41

Source: Hawarden Independent (unknown date)

Born: June 9, 1850
Died: 1920

All Hawarden was shocked and grieved by the sudden death of John Smith, one of Hawarden’s most highly respected citizens and business men, which occurred at his home at 10:30 Tuesday morning. His sudden death was due to heart failure. He was taken slightly ill on Thanksgiving day and his physicians advised that he remain at home and be quiet for a few days. Tuesday morning he felt considerably improved and arose and ate breakfast. Upon leaving the breakfast table he became dizzy and sank upon a couch and passed away almost instantly.

Funeral services were held at 2 o’clock this afternoon at the Congregational Church. The services were conducted by Rev. A.M. McIntosh, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Dr. William Wallace and Rev. V.A. Weir, former pastors of the Presbyterian Church , and by Rev. A.R. Hyatt, pastor of the Congregational Church. Interment was made in Grace Hill Cemetery. The business houses of the city were closed during the funeral hour.

John Smith was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, June 9, 1850. He was an only child and came with his parents to Peterboro, Canada, when six years of age, and later, at the age of 17, came with them to Tama County, Iowa. His mother died a year later. He then went to Illinois where he worked on a farm for two years and then returned to Tama County, and engaged in farming near Traer. In 1873 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Gregg. Six children were born to this union, three dying in childhood. After his wife’s death in 1881 he removed to Gladbrook, Iowa, where he engaged in the stock business with Gregg Bros. He later moved to Conrad, Iowa, and in 1884 was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Gregg. He engaged in the livestock, grain and coal business at Conrad and continued in this line until March, 1892, when he moved to Hawarden and located on a farm three miles southeast of town. He remained on the farm until 1900.


Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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