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Taylor, William, 1874-1950


Posted By: Lydia Lucas - Volunteer (email)
Date: 6/2/2013 at 07:51:19

William Taylor of Ireton Dies At Age of 76; Services Held Tuesday

William Taylor, 76, of Ireton died Sunday at the Hawarden hospital following a cerebral hemorrhage. He entered the hospital three days before.

When he moved to Ireton in 1915 he became manager of the Farmers store and later served as manager of the Farmers Co-Operative elevator. In 1920 he took over management of the Taylor Grain company, which later was the Taylor Bros. Grain company. In 1930 he entered the trucking service and continued in this business until he retired in November, 1945. He served as secretary of the Ireton Co-Operative association from 1907 to 1918. For 20 years he was town clerk of Ireton, resigning this position April 15, 1949.

Active in Church

His initial church affiliation was with the United Presbyterian church of Ireton and he served as a Sunday school teacher and superintendent. For the past 32 years he was a member of the Methodist church and for 30 years he taught the adult Bible class. He was secretary for many years, was active in building the present church and served on the official board until illness prevented active participation.

William Taylor was the eldest of nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taylor. He was born June 23, 1874, at Hancock, Houghton county, Mich., where his father was engaged in the copper mines. In the fall of 1883 his father purchased a farm northeast of Ireton and moved the family there in the spring of 1884. Here Mr. Taylor grew up and taught a country school three years.

He attended business schools in Rockford, Ill., and in Des Moines. He left the farm in 1900 and for two years served as a mail clerk. He then returned to the farm and was engaged as a crop farmer and pure bred stock raiser until 1915.

Married in 1903

On August 20, 1903, he married Miss Phoebe Luella Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Miller, who were neighbors. To this union three children were born, one son, Wesley Vaughan, preceding his father in death in 1912 at the age of four.

Survivors are the widow; two children, Mrs. Geraldine Bartlett of Ireton and Dr. Wendel Taylor of Sheffield, Iowa; two brothers, Frank of Ireton and James of Heartwell, Neb.; four sisters, Mrs. Susie Riley of Madison, S.D., Mrs. Annie Yates of Hawarden, Miss Alice Taylor of Ireton and Mrs. Ida Smith of Los Angeles, Calif., and three grandchildren, Jean, William and Richard Taylor of Sheffield.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church with the Rev. Clarence Tompkins, a former Ireton pastor, and Rev. W. N. Baker officiating.

Source: Hawarden Independent, June 22, 1950.
The obituary includes a photograph.


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