Warren, Thomas Lucius 1819-1903
Posted By: Wilma J. Vande Berg - Volunteer (email)
Date: 9/7/2012 at 08:59:22
From the Alton Democrat of Jan 31, 1903 Roch Valley News.
Thomas L. Warren, an old and respected resident of Rock Valley died at bis home here on the twenty-second.
Deceased was born in 1819 and would have been eighty-four years of age next month. He was one of the pioneers of northwest Iowa. Previous to locating here he lived in Blackhawk and Floyd counties in this state. The funeral was held here on Friday last and the remains interred in the Rock Valley cemetery. Services were held at tho U. P. church and were conducted by Rev. J. Huizenga.
While he bad not been ailing particularly be had been in feeble health for some years and the end came peacefully. He leaves three brothers surviving him. One lives in California and one in Missouri and Hon. A.(Abraham) J. Warren of Rock Valley. Mr. Warren was a man of the strictest integrity and was largely instrumental in the building up of Rock Valley. By prudent management of his affairs he amassed a competency in bis earlier years upon which be retired when his health failed.
(Found on ancesty.com Thomas Lucius Warren was born 28 Feb 1819 in Waterbury New Haven Conn. He died 22 Jan 1903 Rock Valley IA, he was the son of Isaac Edward Warren 1782-1867 and Amelia Bronson 17900-1837. His brothers and sisters were - John S. 1817-1904, Thomas Lucis 1819-1903, Isaac E. 1822-1861, Abraham 1826-1913, Sabra Amelia 1828-1872, Rebecca 1831-1872 and Sherman S. 1832-1921.)
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