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Splear, Samuel 1870-1946


Posted By: Wilma J. Vande Berg - Volunteer (email)
Date: 12/13/2010 at 13:18:00

From the Rock Valley Bee of Nov 7, 1946

Funeral services for Samuel Splear, 76, who died in his home in Geneseo ILL., Saturday morning, October 12t, 1946, were held the following Monday morning in St. Malachy's Catholic church in Geneseo. Rev. H. H. Ross pasto, officiated and burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The Vandemore funerla home of Atkinson was in charge of services.
Pallbearers were John Vandemore, A. J. Vandemore, Cyriel DeWisphear, Arthur DePauw, Clarence Ristau and Clemence Seei. The Rosary was recited in the Splear home Sunday evening.
Mr. Splear, who had been a resident of Geneseo since 1918, suffered from a heart ailment and had been ill for nearly a year proceding his death.
Mr. Splear, was a landscape gardener by trade. He was born Oct 6th 1870 at Aisendicke, Holland, He was only 18 months old when he accompanied his parents to this country. They resided in New York for ten years and then moved to Rock Valley IA.
He married Emma Van De Voorde in Atkinson, Jan 14th 1896. The couple observed their golden wedding anniversary this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Splear resided on a farm near Rock Valley, IA, until 1918 and then moved to Geneseo where they built heir present home. Mr. Splear was a member of the Catholic church.
Survivors include the widow: four children, Edward Splear, of Denver, CO., Charles Splear of Atkinson, Mrs. Harold Pearce of Lisle, and Ambrose Splear of Pontiac IL. and one sister, Mrs. Leonie Gacke of Rock Valley. There are 13 granchildren.
One son, Henry F. Splear, died while in the service of his country in World War I, and two other children died in infancy. '
Those who attended the funeral from a distance included Mrs. Mary Vandernickt and son Joseph and daughters, Amelia and Mrs. Harold McMillan of Mr. Pleasant IA, JOhn Nggler and Vernon Schmidt of Luverne MN, Mrs. Ella Valette of Chicago, Frank Splear, Floyd Spear, Mrs. Gladys Myers and Miss Bessie Leach of Kankekee, Mr.s Harry Pearce and Edmond Charley of LeSelle IL.


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