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Bowen, Levi 1819-1885


Posted By: Linda Ziemann, volunteer (email)
Date: 7/2/2008 at 15:48:48


BOWEN—At his residence three miles southwest of Maurice, Sioux county, Iowa, Levi Bowen, aged 66 years, 7 months and 21 days.

The deceased was born in Lewis county, N.Y., May 5, 1819, where he spent the days of his childhood and youth. The 14th of December 1841 [the year date is blurred], he was united in marriage to Miss Jane Passenger, of the same county, and in 1846 removed to Fond du Lac county, Wis., where he resided until 1870, when he removed to Sioux County, Iowa, which was then in its infancy, and settled with his family on the unbroken prairie where he spent the remainder of his days until his work on earth was accomplished and his Master’s call was to come up higher. There ____ former homes he had endeared himself to a large circle of friends by his uniform kindness and exemplary deportment, where he will long be remembered as a true friend and worthy citizen. He leaves a wife 61 years old and three sons, having buried three daughters, one in infancy, the other two, Mrs. H. Morton and Lamenta, who are buried on the same lot where his ashes now rest. We mourn for him as a brother departed whom we expect to meet again in the morning of the resurrection. As he died in the full assurance that his peace was made with God, and (to use his own language) that his faith was in Jesus. That his whole reliance was on Him even in his extreme sufferings (for he was a great sufferer) his confidence in God was unshaken, which is a great solace to his family and especially his bereaved widow, who truly feels that she is passing through the dark waters of affliction, trusting in the same blessed Saviour who has taken their loved one, and her earthly protector to come home before her.

The family of Levi Bowen, deceased, extend their sincere thanks to their kind neighbors who have so thoughtfully and effectually assisted them in their severe affliction and bereavement.

~Source: The Sioux County Herald, Dec. 31, 1885


Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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