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Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 3/10/2009 at 07:08:01

The Mount Ayr Record-News, 1927


After An Illness of Five Months Duration
J.D. Turner Dies at Age of 82.

After an illness of five months duration J[ames]. D. TURNER, for half a century a resident of Ringgold county, passed away at his home in north Mount Ayr Thursday evening, August 11. Mr. TURNER was born November 10, 1845, in Gallia county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood and on November 20, 1876, was united in marriage with Mary Ann HAWK of Wilkesville, Ohio. Soon after his marriage he moved to Ringgold county and settled in Lotts Creek township, where he made his home for many years before moving to Mount Ayr where he lived in pleasant retirement during the declining years of his life. Five children were born to the home as follows: W. P. TURNER of Mount Ayr; Mrs. John P. GRIEVE of Webb, Iowa; Charles D. TURNER, deceased; James Milo TURNER, of Mount Ayr; Vivian Dell TURNER of Chaney, Wash.

Mr. TURNER answered the call of his country during the civil war as soon as he was old enough to be accepted and served to the end of the war [Company C of the 94th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]. He was an honored member of the local G.A.R. post, having served as commander and as marshal on public occasions. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, being identified with the lodge of Ewington, Ohio. He united with the M. E. church in 1887, and had been a member at Fry chapel since the church was organized. It was in this church that he reared his family. His interest in the church never waned; his faith was firm to the end, and the memory of his devoted life is a source of great comfort to his sorrowing loved ones. He leaves besides his wife and children and three grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Saturday forenoon at 10:30 o'clock at the home, being conducted by Rev. Ross WILLIAMS of Atlantic, former pastor of the Mount Ayr Church of Christ, and interment was in Rose Hill cemetery. The funeral was largely attended by friends who came to pay tribute of respect to one whose life exemplied the christian virtues; a loyal and patriotic citizen, a kind and devoted father and a good neighbor and friend. Only nine members of the Grand Army of the Republic, all save two of the surviving veterans of the civil war who reside in this immediate vicinity, were in attenance at the funeral.


We take this means of expressing our sincere and heart-felt thanks to the neighbors and friends for their kindness during the illness and on the occasion of the death and funeral of our husband and father. Since it is not possible to see each one of you and thank you personally, please accept this as an expression of the gratitude we feel for the help and sympathy so generously bestowed and for the beautiful floral tributes.


Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008


Ringgold Obituaries maintained by Tony Mercer.
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