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Ringgold County Bulletin, Feb. 22, 1945


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 5/10/2010 at 23:47:54


Mount Ayr, Iowa Thursday, February 22, 1945

For Victory - Buy United States War Bonds Now!


Purple Heart, awarded to Staff Sgt. Dean WHITSON for injuries sustained in action in the latter part of [cut off] while serving with the First [cut off], has been received by his wife, Mrs. Dean WHITSON, of Marshalltown, formerly of Beaconsfield. Sgt. WHITSON has been in a hospital in France, and was recently transferred to England.

Staff Sgt. Doyle J. HUNTER, who arrived in Algona January 30 for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. HUNTER, after serving for the past 33 months in Iceland, Scotland, and Africa and Italy, visited several days the past week with friends and relatives in Mount Ayr and Tingley. At the conclusion of his 30-day furlough, St. HUNTER will return to the European theatre of operations.

Charles William HORNE advanced January 1 from seaman first class to chief motor machinist's mate. In a recent letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HORNE, he stated that they are having good football weather where he was stationed, but that he wouldn't trade one day in good old Iowa for all of it. His address is Charles William HORNE, Co. Mo. M. M., U.S.S.L.S.T., care of Fleet [illegible] Office, New York, N.Y.

Mrs. Claude BYERLY, of Diagonal, received word Friday that the ship on which her son, Donald E. CONLEY, M.M. 3-c, was serving, would enter the battle of Japan. This information was conveyed through a paper sent by the ship. Excerpts from a letter under date of January 27 and written by Donald somewhere in the southwest Pacific read: "I am feeling as good as ever . . . . You know I told you about the fellow in the I.C. [illegible] taking the officers candidate school. Well, he is getting transferred back to the states. I would have been nice to get to come back, but I'm glad I turned it down. . . There isn't much to write about, so I will close."

Live Ones: Record-News Want Ads.

Blue Bird Notes:
The Blue Birds held an election of officers at the last meeting with the following elected: President, Mona Lee KNIGHT; vice-president, Norma BRYANT; secretary, Norma SNEDEKER; treasurer, Patty STUCK; reporter, Mary Jane EDDY; pianist, Barbara DICKERSON, and flag bearer, Mary BRYANT. The meeting was held at Patty STUCK'S house. Refreshments of sandwiches, cheese crackers and pop were served.

The Blue Birds were very proud to have been allowed to help with the theatre collections for infantile paralysis. - Reporter.

Delphos P.T.A. Box Supper
Members of the Parent Teacher association of Delphos will sponsor a program and box supper at the schoolhouse Tuesday evening, February 27. F. B. MALOY will auction off the boxes. - Supt. Z. F. PFOST.


Operator for Produce House in Mount Ayr,
formerly conducted by Cecil Saville
Call 666
Creston, Iowa

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard KNIGHT at the Clarinda Municipal hospital, February 1, a son, Weight, 8 pounds and two ounces.

Mrs. Minnie MAIN left this (Thursday) morning for Kansas City, Mo., to spend a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. E. SIME.

Mrs. Floyd E. GREEN took her three-week-old son, Eddie Ellis, Monday evening to the Greater Community hospital in Creston for examination and treatment. Mrs. Ed LAMB and Dee LAMB accompanied them, returning home the same evening.

Mrs. Peter E. TERZIS arrived last week from New York City for an extended visit in the home of her parents, mr. and Mrs. J. H. PETTIS, of Kellerton. En route to Iowa, she visited with relatives and friends in Pennsylvania and Chicago, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. McKEE and sons, harold and Francis, and Mrs. Marvin GORDON and son, Lewis Leroy, of Allerton, were Saturday visitors in the parental Frank WARRICK home. Afternoon callers were Pvt. and Mrs. Doyle DENHART and sons, Joe and Jim, Mrs. Frank DREDGE and Royce, Mrs. John BUCK and W. J. WARRICK.

The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. LAMB have returned to their home in Eagleville, Mo., after conducting a two weeks' revival meeting in Mount Ayr.

Mrs. Victor SKINNER, an instructor in the Tingley schools, is enjoying a vacation at her home in Mount Ayr while the school is closed on account of a scarlet fever scare.

The Mount Ayr W. C. T. U. will meet Wednesday afternoon, February 28, with Mrs. Harry TAYLOR as hostess. The lesson will be "Narcotic Problem," led by Mrs. M. A. WITHERS.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BEAMAN, Mrs. F. B. MALOY, Mrs. Frank MOORE and Mrs. Franklin SPURRIER went Thursday evening to Afton, where they attended the annual school of instruction of Emerald Chapter, Order of Eastern Star.

Miss Carol LAMOREAUX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. LAMOREAUX, of this city, and freshman at Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, appeared in a student recital Friday afternoon, Befruary 16, in Gilchrist chapel. Miss LAMOREAUX, voice pupil of Jane BIRKHEAD, instructor in voice, sang "Dedication" and "Sea Shell." Miss LAMOREAUX is taking the kindergarten-primary course at the college.


"Our Times are in Thy Hands."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Subscribe NOW for the Ringgold County Bulletin
50 cents a year.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ninth Annual Ringgolder Reunion
July 19, 1945.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ringgold County Historical Society
annual membership now due, 50 cents.
Pay to Vera F. DICKENS, secretary

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Clarence S. PALMER, abstracter in charge of
Arthur S. PALMER abstract office
until the war is won.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Loans Real Estate
Beall Building
Mount Ayr Iowa

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010


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