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Ericson, Mrs. Olof 1842-1941


Posted By: Janet Schuldt, volunteer (email)
Date: 4/7/2015 at 16:42:33

LeMars Globe Post, LeMars, Plymouth, Iowa Monday, January 27, 1941

Akron Woman Expires at 98

Mrs. Olof Ericson Dies Following a Brief Sickness

Akron, la . Mrs. Olof Ericson, 98, pioneer settler in Union county, S. D., and a long time resident of the Akron vicinity, died Thursday following a brief sickness. Death followed an attack of influenza.

Mrs. Ericson, who had been blind for the last 10 years, was born in Onje, Sweden, and came to this country in 1869. She and her husband homesteaded in Union county and suffered the hardships of the early farm days. Mr.. Ericson died many years ago and Mrs. Ericson moved to Akron later to live with a son.

Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of the son, Martin Ericson, at Akron, and at 2:30 o'clock in Union Creek Lutheran church in Union county. Rev. J. Larson officiated and burial was in the Union Creek cemetery near the grave of her husband. Mrs. Ericson was the only living charter member of the church.

Surviving are three sons, Martin, William and John, all of Akron, and three daughters, Mrs. Adina Hultgren of Akron and Mrs. Louise Harker of Hawarden.


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