Posted By: Roseanna Zehner (email)
Date: 8/24/2004 at 15:41:24
Mills County Tribune
December 4, 1902The funeral of Dr. D.M. Hamilton, whose death was announced in last week’s Tribune, was held last Sunday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Amanda Hale. It was conducted by Rev. T.R. Gray, assisted by Rev. L.D. Brainerd. Most of our Glenwood physicians officiated as pall bearers for their former professional associate—DeWitt, J.M. Donelan, Plimpton Hester, Mogridge, and A.J. Howe, the druggist.
Dr. Hamilton was born in Canada 75 years ago and came to southwestern Iowa in the early days, locating at Plum Hollow, the present site of Thurman. In 1865 he came to Glenwood and continued his practice of medicine until incapacitated by a general breakdown of his health. His life here was marked by a lack of an apparent desire to accumulate wealth, for he was moderate in his charges, and was never known to crowd a debtor for payment. He worked hard and treated many poor cases without payment. He worked hard and treated many poor cases without pay. Thus he never got ahead much worldly treasure, and old age overtook him in rather straitened circumstances.
He held peculiar views on many subjects—especially on theology—and was opposed to the interference of the state in the practice of physicians. He stubbornly refused to report births and deaths, for instance, and when prosecuted for such neglect carried his case to the supreme court.
In January of last year he began to break down, and in March he was taken to Clarinda where he continued to fall until his death.
Three daughters and three sons survive him. They are Mrs. Martha Myers, Mrs. Celestia Jones, Mrs. Amanda Hale, Charles, W.J. and E.P., all residents of Glenwood.
Mills Obituaries maintained by Karyn Techau.
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