William Mercer
Posted By: Ida Morse
Date: 2/3/2006 at 22:01:01
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday May 30, 1907
Page 5William Mercer, an old resident of this community, died Tuesday, after a two weeks' illness. The deceased was born March 7, 1834 at Lafayette, Indiana.
When thirteen years old he emigrated to the west and for eighteen years his life there was that of trapper and scout and probably no man living in Madison county today saw more of the frontier life of early days. During the rebellion, he served as a scout with a company of 100 men in the war against the Indians.
In 1865 he came to Winterset, was married to Edna C. Rogers January 1, 1871, who with one son, Harry, and a brother, survive him. One daughter, Mae, died March 18, 1893.
He was a charter member of the Winterset fire department.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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