Wayne Braden (1950)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 7/31/2024 at 07:35:03
The Dallas County News
Adel, Iowa
April 19, 1950
Page 9, Column 5Wayne Braden, 33, Winterset man, died from injuries received when a motorcycle he was riding collided with a car a short distance west of Winterset. His death was the fifth traffic tragedy in Madison county this year.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, April 12, 1950
Page 1Motorcycle Crash Fatal to Wayne Braden
Highway Death Toll Soars Here
Madison county’s 1950 highway death toll reached a total of five this week. This equals the record of any past year since 1936, with more than eight months of the year remaining.
Wayne (Rusty) Braden, aged 33, of Winterset, died in a Des Moines hospital early Tuesday morning. He had been fatally injured Saturday night in a highway crash just west of Winterset on No. 93.
Braden’s injuries had not been regarded as dangerous, but he was taken to the hospital for treatment of a fractured leg and arm, and serious head cuts. Until shortly before his death, his condition was not thought to be critical. Death apparently was caused by internal injuries which had not been detected.
Braden was riding a motorcycle at the time of the accident, which occurred Saturday about 9:30 p.m. He was driving east on No. 92, a quarter mile west of the city limits. A car driven by Billy Madsen, aged 17 of near Winterset, was approaching from the east. The Madsen car slowed down and started to turn left into the driveway at the Jiffy lunch. Braden’s motorcycle struck the side of the Madsen car with considerable impact, caving in the side of the automobile. Madsen and Richard Harrison of Winterset, who was riding with him, escaped injury. The boys reported that they had noticed the light of an approaching vehicle, but thought it was a car with one light. They apparently misjudged the speed at which the motorcycle approached.
Braden had lived most of his life in this community and was well-known here. He attended the Winterset public schools, and had been working as a truck driver. He was employed by the Sawyer Lines for many years, but recently had been working at the Morrissey Implement company. He was a veteran of the recent war.
Near surviving relatives include his mother, Mrs. Beulah Braden of Costa Mesa, Calif., and two brothers, Dale Braden of Webster City and Clifford Braden of Newton.
Plans were being made Wednesday to hold funeral services for Braden at Webster City.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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