George F. Caskey (1936)
Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 11/8/2023 at 18:04:35
The Des Moines Tribune
Des Moines, Iowa
Monday, August 24, 1936
Page 11, Column 8G. F. Caskey, Valley, Dies
Funeral Services to Be Tuesday.
George F. Caskey, 73, of 536 Fourth st., Valley Junction, died Sunday at his home after a six-year illness.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Valley funeral home, with burial in Jordan cemetery.
Mr. Caskey, a resident of Valley Junction 21 years, had been employed by the Rock Island railroad 43 years, serving as conductor 31.
He is survived by his widow: two daughters, Mrs. Paul Donahoe of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Joseph Jahnke of Lewis, Ia.; three sons, Guy Caskey of Little Rock, Ark., Claude Caskey of Valley Junction and Glen Caskey of Des Moines, and a sister, Mrs. Arthur Howell of Truro, Ia.
________________________Transcriber's note: Per the 1870, 80, & 85 censuses, the deceased was born and raised in Madison County.
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