Ellis Richard Silverthorne (1931)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 11/8/2023 at 18:04:34
The Stuart Herald
Stuart, Iowa
Friday, March 20, 1931
Page 4, Column 5
GreenfieldEllis R. Silverthorn was born in Muscatine County, Iowa, Sept. 9, 1860, and died at his home in Grand River Twp., March 9, 1931, aged 70 years, and 6 months. When 10 years of age he came with his parents to Madison county.
He was married Oct. 20, 1886 to Anna Mitchell. To this union was born 4 daughters, one dying in infancy. The other three are Mrs. Harvey Rostatt, Mrs. Herbert Buck and Mrs. Ralph Clinkerton.
In 1897 he bought the farm which has since been their home.
He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, 3 daughters, 9 grandchildren, 1 brother, Oliver and hosts of other relatives and friends.
The funeral service was held here Wednesday March 11, at 2:30 at the Presbyterian church, conducted by a former pastor, Rev. Beverage of Knoxville, assisted by Rev. Row of Hebron. Music was furnished by a quartet composed of Mrs. R. W. Hoyt, Mrs. Ray Alley, Russell Piper and M. G. Mc Creight. The songs were “the Silver Chord”, “The Old Rugged Cross”, and “In the Garden”. Interment was made in the Greenfield cemetery.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, April 2, 1931
Page 4, Column 3E. R. Silverthorne
Ellis Richard Silverthorne, the youngest child of Richard and Anna Mary Silverthorne, was born September 9, 1860 Near Sweetland Center in Muscatine county and died at his home in Grand River township, Adair county, Iowa, March 9, 1931 at the age of 70 years 6 months.
In 1870 the family moved to Madison county where he grew to manhood. He received his education in the common schools. He was engaged in railroad work and later with his brother, Oliver, spent several years in the Black Hills freighting with oxen.
October 20, 1886 he was married to Miss Anna Mitchell. They established a home in Madison county living on a rented farm for a few years.
In 1887 they purchased a farm in Grand River township, Adair county, Iowa, where they resided until his death.
To this union four daughters were born: Flossy, who is the wife of Herbert Buck, one who died in infancy Hazel, wife of Harvey Rostat and Sylvia, wife of Ralph Klingston. Those who survive in addition to his children are his wife, nine grandchildren and a brother, Oliver Silverthorne.
He united with the Methodist Episcopal church twenty-seven years ago at Hebron, Iowa.
________________________Coordinator's note: Of the discrepancies between these two obituaries, "Silverthorne" is on the gravestone and "Klingston" is in the daughter's Marriage Record.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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