Urania O. (Wilson) Kenworthy Cook (1902)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 4/17/2014 at 08:37:46
Earlham Echo
Earlham, Iowa
Thursday, May 29, 1902Mrs. L. E. Cook died on Tuesday, May 13, 1902, after an illness of about a week, although she had been in failing health all winter. The cause of her death was tuberculosis of the brain. She was a woman who believed in doing good in this world, and was an earnest worker in church circles. Her taking away will be sincerely mourned by the entire community. The funeral service was held in the Friends church on last Thursday morning, Conducted by Rev. J. W. Stribling, after which the remains were laid away in the Earlham cemetery.
Urania O. Wilson, daughter of Abihu and Eliza J. Wilson, was born in Madison county, Iowa, Jan. 4, 1859 and died May 13, 1902 at age of 43 years, 4 months and 9 days.
She was converted in 1877 and joined the Friends church in 1878. Since that time she has lived a consistent Christian life.
She was married to Seth H. Kenworthy on June 27, 1878. They afterwards moved to Baxter Springs, Kan., at which place he died Oct. 24, 1892.
On Dec. 1, 1894, she was married to Elza Cook of this place, who with their two children, Elkanah S. and Lillian Cook, father, mother, one sister, two brothers, and a host of friends, are left to mourn her loss.
She was always humble and unselfish-in her work for the Master seeking His glory in all things.
It can truly be said of he, “She hath done what she could.”
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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