Agnes Elizabeth (Picken) Holmes (1971)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 12/19/2012 at 16:54:38
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 5, 1971Agnes Holmes Died Sunday
Mrs. Fred Holmes of Winterset, a resident of Madison county for more than three quarters of a century, died Sunday May 2, at Iowa Methodist hospital in Des Moines. She was 81 years of age.
Mrs. Holmes was a native of St. Marys, where she was born June 16, 1889. She was the former Agnes Elizabeth Pickens, daughter of William J. and Martha Dickey Pickens.
As a young woman she served as a school teacher.
She was married at Indianola Sept. 6, 1911, to Fred Holmes. His death occurred March 19, 1962.
Mrs. Holmes lived most of her life in the Zion community of Scott township, moving to Winterset in 1956. She was a member of the American Legion auxiliary, the 60 Plus club, and the Community circle. Her church membership was with the United Presbyterian.
Surviving are five children, Mrs. Eugene Drake of Winterset, Herbert Holmes of Houston, Tex., Mrs. Rex Emerson of Washington, Ia., Mrs. William Gray of Anaheim, Calif., and Mike Holmes of Winterset. She also leaves eight grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Jones and Mrs. Anna Cline of Winterset and Mrs. Caroline Lathrum of St. Charles.
Funeral services were held Tuesday from Collins Funeral home in Winterset, conducted by the Rev. Newton Coughenour, pastor of the First Methodist church of Winterset. Burial was made in the Winterset cemetery.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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