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Mabel Inez (Burd) Mease (1969)


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 12/7/2012 at 07:58:35

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, July 09, 1969
Page 2

Mabel Mease Dies At Truro

Funeral services for Mrs. Mabel Mease, well-known resident of the Truro community, were held this Monday, July 7, from the Christian church in Truro.

Mrs. Mease died at Osceola on July 4th. She was 80 years of age.

A daughter of Willard and Martha Cox Burd, she was born June 6, 1889 at Paxton, Nebraska. She was married to Lewis Mease on June 20, 1917 at Peru.

They spent all their married life in Truro, where Mrs. Mease was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Thursday Girls, Past Matrons, Garden club, and Women’s Fellowship.

She taught in rural schools prior to 1940, when she became assistant postmistress at Truro serving until retirement in 1958.

She was also a past member of the library board, and a past treasurer of the school board.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Inez Dickenson of Des Moines; a son Ival Mease of Truro; a brother, Clarence Burd of Ontario, Oregon, seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband in 1966, a brother, Aldin Burd, and a sister, Stella Burd.

Officiating at the funeral Monday afternoon was the Rev. Richard Hempenius. Burial was in Ebenezer cemetery.

The Osceola Sentinel
Osceola, Iowa
Thursday, July 10, 1969
Page 5, Columns 5 & 6

Mrs. Lewis Mease Funeral Monday

Funeral services were held Monday, July 7, for Mrs. Lewis (Mabel) Mease, 80, who died Friday, July 4, in the Clarke County Hospital in Osceola. The Rev. Richard Hempenius conducted the 2:00 p. m. funeral from the Christian Church in Truro with interment in Ebenezer Cemetery.

Mrs. Lewis Mease was born June 6, 1889, in Paxton, Nebraska, the daughter of Willard Burd and Martha Cox Burd. She attended schools in Madison county. On June 20, 1917, she was married to Lewis Mease in East Peru, Iowa. Two children were born to this union. She lived all her married life in this area where she taught in country schools prior to 1940 when she became assistant postmistress from 1940 to her retirement in 1958 at Truro. She was member of O.E.S. No. 533 at Truro, Thursday Girls, Past Matrons, Truro Garden Club, Women’s Fellowship, past member of the library board, past treasurer of the school board and a member of the Truro Christian Church.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Inez Dickenson of Des Moines, Iowa; a son, Ival Mease of Truro, Iowa; 1 brother, Clarence Burd of Ontario, Oregon; 7 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband in 1966, a brother, Aldin Burd and a sister, Stella Burd.

The Osceola Sentinel
Osceola, Iowa
Thursday, July 17, 1969
Page 6, Columns 2 & 3

Mabel Inez Mease

The life of Mabel Inez Mease spans 80 years.

She was born in western Nebraska, Paxton, Keith County, on a farm, June 6, 1889, where her parents, Willard R. and Martha Cox Burd had homesteaded. At the age of six she moved via covered wagon to Madison County with her parents and family.

She was educated in the public schools of Madison County and Normal Training Schools. Mabel was a school teacher. She taught in the schools of Madison County and Clarke County for about 10 years.

On June 20, 1917, she was married to Lewis Edward Mease, at the home of her parents, near East Peru, Iowa.

Then the young couple moved on a farm near Linneus, Missouri, where their two children Ival Martin Mease and Inez Martha Dickinson were born.

In March 1921, the couple moved back to Truro and there they lived the rest of their lives.

In 1933, her late husband, Lewis, was appointed postmaster at Truro, and she served as clerk in the post office for about 18 years.

Throughout her lifetime, she was a faithful and an active member of the Christian-Congregational Church. She served her church in many facets, including that of a Sunday school teacher for many years, and as an active member of Thursday Girls, and Women’s Fellowship.

She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and was a Past Matron. She was a member of the Past Matron Club at Truro.

She was also a member of the Truro Garden Club.

She served as a member of the Truro Library Board for a number of years.

Mabel entered eternal life July 4, 1969. He husband, Lewis preceded her on March 7, 1966.

She leaves to mourn her passing, the son, Ival and daughter-in-law Edith, her daughter Inez and son-in-law Wayne. She leaves seven grandchildren, Sharon (Mrs. Bill Burns), Janet (Mrs. Ed Downs) and Martin Mease, Nina (Mrs. Marion Smith), and Gregg, Beth and Lori Dickinson. She leaves three great grandchildren, Becki and Julie Burns and Troy Downs.

She also leaves one brother, Clarence Burd, of Ontario, Oregon.

She was preceded in death by her parents, a sister; Stella Burd, and a brother, Alden Burd.

She also leaves to mourn her passing many other relatives and many many friends.


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