Charles Franklin Clanton (1919)
Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 9/21/2011 at 12:35:12
The Winterset Madisonian
Wednesday, June 25, 1919
Page 3, Column 3
St. Charles NewsFrank Clanton died at the home of his son, James Clanton, south of town last Saturday. He fell a year ago last fall early in the winter on the ice and broke his hip which kept him confined to the house for a long time but got able to be up and by the help of a crutch. He was able to be up and around the house and his last illness was said to be apoplexy.
His funeral services were held in the M. E. church Monday and his remains were laid to rest in the St. Charles cemetery by that of his wife.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, June 25, 1919
First of White Children in Madison County. Died at His St. Charles Home
Another old pioneer has answered the call of his “Maker”. This community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Frank Clanton last Saturday afternoon at 6:30 p. m. Some time ago he had a slight stroke of paralysis but had nearly recovered and of late had been feeling quite well until last Friday, but still was not suffering much. He was sitting up in his chair at the home of his son, J. D. Clanton, when death came to him.
Charles Franklin Clanton was born in Buchanan county, Missouri, July 27, 1842, and came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clanton to Madison county about May 3, 1846, so was one of the first settlers of Madison county, settling one-fourth mile west of the present corporate limit of St. Charles. That same fall his father built a log house near where the Dan Dehaven house now stands. The rocks of the fireplace are still to be seen.
He was married to Mrs. Barbara A. Shaver June 12, 1862, also a pioneer of South township. To them were born Geo Clanton, now living in Norwalk, California, Mrs. Lizzie Peffley, of St. Charles, and James D. Clanton who now lives south of St. Charles.
Mr. and Mrs. Clanton lived south of St. Charles on a farm until after his parents died, when he bought the old homestead owned by his mother, west of St. Charles and lived there until about 10 years ago when Mr. and Mrs. Clanton went to Norwalk, California, where they lived until the death of Mrs. Clanton in 1917. Since that time he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Peffley and son James.
A year ago last winter he fell and broke his thigh bone and since that time has been confined to his bed and invalid chair. Mr. Clanton was honest and upright in his dealings with his fellow men.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Monday, June 23, at 2:30 p. m., conducted by Rev. Robt. McElroy of the U. P. church assisted by Rev. Allen of the M. E. Church. Interment was made by the side of his wife in the St. Charles Cemetery.
He leaves to mourn, the three children, three grandchildren and three great grandchildren and a host of friends. Besides his immediate family Mr. Clanton leaves a sister, Mrs. Polly Souders of St. Charles and Isaac M. Clanton, of Atlantic, and Mrs. Roach of California.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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