Mildred Edith Payton (1924)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 2/25/2011 at 17:34:05
Dexter Library Obituary Collection
Dexter, IowaMildred Edith Payton, daughter of Harvey and Edith Payton, was born on May 9th, 1917, in Madison county, Iowa, and for seven short years brought gladness and sunshine into the home of her parents, but at the noon hour on Tuesday, August 19, 1924, she left this home to be a sunbeam in the eternal home where no sin or sorrow shall touch the purity of her soul. She leaves a precious memory and thought. The coming days will lighten the way from this world to the heavenly home for the father, mother, one little sister, Hazel, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Payton, and many other relatives and friends.
Mildred was baptized when an infant in the Methodist church and had been a faithful little member of the church and Sunday school during all her brief years.
The funeral service was held from the Penn Center Methodist Church Thursday afternoon, August 21, and the little body was laid to rest in the Dexter Cemetery, Rev. J. G. Stephens having charge of the services.
_________________________Earlham Echo – Earlham, Iowa
August 21, 1924Child’s Tragic Death
Automobile transportation was responsible for a death than which there could be no more tragic Tuesday afternoon, when Mildred Edith Payton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Payton residing two miles south of Stuart, was crushed beneath the wheels of a truck driven by her grandfather Bruff Hill, residing at Dexter. Threshing had been in progress at the Payton place and as Mr. Hill drove into the yard at about three o’clock after a trip to town, little Mildred, aged seven came running to greet him. There seems to have been no eye witnesses of what followed, but either the little girl slipped and fell so that the rear wheels of the truck passed over her chest or was caught between the box of the heavy vehicle and the six-foot stub of a tree near the gate. Her scream informed the driver and others nearby, and a moment later her limp body was borne tenderly into the house from which the joyous child had issued so shortly before. Blood was flowing from her mouth indicating an injury which no earthly power could alleviate, and she died twenty minutes later without again opening her eyes on the scene of her short life. Her parents and grandfather are alike prostrated with grief over the bereavement so untimely and heartbreaking.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at Penn Center Church. Interment will be in Dexter Cemetery. Mildred was born May 9, 1917 and is survived by a younger brother. Mrs. Payton has a brother Louis Hill residing a half mile west of Penn Center.
Gravestone Photo
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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