Margaret Ann (Foglesong) Cellan (1935)
Posted By: Mary Welty Hart
Date: 8/7/2010 at 16:49:24
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, December 19, 1935Patterson News Items
MRS. W. J. CELLAN Dies At Home Here Last Wednesday
Mrs. W. J. Cellan a native of Schuyler county, Missouri, but for almost forty years a resident of this community, passed away at her home here Wednesday, December 11, 1935, at the age of eighty-two years.
She became a member of the Methodist church at the age of sixteen, later transferring her membership to the Patterson church.
Mrs. Cellan was born Margaret Ann Foglesong. She was married in 1875 to W. J. Cellan and to this union was born five daughters and two sons, all of whom survive except S. P. Cellan whose death occurred at Sioux City about six years ago. The others include Mrs. Arthur Kilmer of Winterset. Mrs. Fred Carson of Des Moines, Mrs. Chester Mead, Iona Cellan and Mrs. V. C. Cunningham of Patterson and Alex Cellan of Conger. Mr. Cellan died about ten years ago.
The funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at the church in Patterson with Rev. Ben Hamilton of Winterset in charge. Burial was made in the Montpelier cemetery.
Those attending the funeral besides the immediate relatives, from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. John Rynearson, Isabel, William and Verl Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Randolph all of Des Moines and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Chamber of Norwalk.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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