Samuel Betts (1901)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 9/13/2009 at 11:24:53
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, January 24, 1901
Page 1Samuel Betts died at his home in the south part of the city on Friday, January 18th. Had he lived until the 24th of February he would have been one hundred years old. He retained the full use of his mind up to the last moment and his death was not the result of disease, but rather as the natural termination of a ripe old age. Full of years and honor, a lover of God’s people, respected by all who knew him, he passed from “death into life.”
Samuel Betts was born in Kentucky, February 1801; moved to Madison county, Iowa, in 1869; was twice married. By his first marriage he had four children, three of whom are still living. To his second marriage were born ten children. Four of them survive him, one of which is Mrs. W. E. Stafford, of this city.
Funeral services were conducted from the house on Sunday at 2 p.m. by Rev. S. D. Callison and A. Jacobs.
________________________Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, January 24, 1901
On Friday evening, January 18th at 5:30 o’clock what was mortal Samuel Betts passed away at his home in the southeast part of town, old age being the principal cause of his death. There seems to be some dispute among his children as to his exact age. Some contending that he was born in 1801 while others say he was born in 1806. The date in the family bible has grown so dim that the exact date could not be ascertained. However a sister who lived and died in Tama county about a year ago, had a bible in which it gave the time of his birth as being February 14th, 1801.
Samuel Betts was a Kentuckian by birth. He was married twice, his first wife’s maiden name being Nancy Bronblet. To this union was born two sons and two daughters. In 1838 he moved to Indiana. After the death of his first wife he married Matilda Spicklenar. To this union ten children were born, four of whom survive him. In 1855 he went to Marysville, Mo. And in 1859 he moved to this county where he continued to reside until death. He was a member of the Church of Christ, and was a familiar figure in this community. A few days ago he was on our streets and appeared in his usual health for one of his advanced years.
The funeral was conducted at his late residence, Sunday afternoon by Rev. Callison assisted by Rev. Jacobs and his remains were interred in Rock City cemetery.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, January 25, 1901
Page 1Samuel Betts, the oldest citizen of Winterset, died at his residence in the southwest part of the city, Friday evening of old age. He was remarkably old, some placing his age at 100 on his next birthday and some at 98. For several years he has been unable to work but up to that time he was a vigorous and hearty man and made a living by market gardening. He came here with his wife and children in 1859 and has lived in the city continuously ever since. The funeral occurred Sunday.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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