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Phoebe (Longinaker) Walters (1903)


Posted By: Judy Wight Branson
Date: 2/15/2009 at 20:34:21

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, October 15, 1903
Page 5, Column 2

Mrs. Sherman Walters died at her home in the southwest part of town on Thursday of last week. Her illness dated from the Sunday previous and she grew worse each day despite the best of care and medical attention.

Funeral services were held on Friday, conducted by Rev. Mitchell of the Christian Union Church, of which the deceased was a member. She leaves a husband and three small children.

The Madison County Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, October 15, 1903
Page 3


Phoebe Walters was born Nov. 3, 1873 and departed this life Oct. 8, 1903, at 11 o’clock. She was united in marriage to Sherman Walters in the year 1892. To them was born four children, three of whom survive her.

She died with a blessed hope of meeting her little boy in Glory. She was sick only a few days, and her suffering was great, but she bore it with Christian patience. She praised the Lord every day and shouted when her suffering was done here on earth—she was going where there was no more sickness, sorrow nor death, but she said if it was the Lord’s will she would have to stay here with her husband and children, but if not let the Lord’s will be done. She was converted last winter and united last winter and united with the Church of Christ in Christian Union.

The funeral took place from the Church of Christ in Christian Union in this city, conducted by Rev. W. R. Mitchell, after which she was laid to her last rest in the Hooten cemetery.

The Madison County Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, October 15, 1903
Page 3

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Mrs. Sherman Walters died at her home in the southwest part of town last Thursday night. She was sick but a short time. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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