Phoebe Ann (Porter) Storrs (1896)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 5/6/2008 at 09:26:11
Semi Weekly Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Tuesday, March 10, 1896
Page 5Death has claimed an other of the pioneers of this vicinity. Mrs. Storrs, wife of Rev. N. C. Storrs, passed away last Saturday, after years of suffering. Since early life she had been a semi-invalid, and later a complete invalid. During all these years, up to old age, she bore her sufferings patiently, and with Christian resignation awaited her release. Her death occurred at the home of her son, E. O. Storrs, a short distance north of the city.
Her aged husband, himself is frail health, has remained devotedly by her, and rendered every service that affection could suggest and human aid could render. A faithful wife, a devoted mother, a noble Christian woman has gone from among us, but her saintly example remains a blessed memory.
________________________Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, March 12, 1896
Page 5Mrs. N. C. Storrs died at the home of her son, Eugene, in Union township, last Saturday and was buried Sunday at 2 p.m. She was one of the landmarks of Madison county civilization having come here with her husband, Rev. Storrs, in the early ‘50s. A noble Christian woman, a loving mother and devoted wife has gone to her reward.
Coordinator's note: Full name taken from gravestone.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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