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Susan (Kesler) Farson (1889)


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 11/16/2007 at 15:33:47

Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, February 8, 1889
Page 4

Truro Truth

The wife of Dr. J. H. Farson, was brought here from Laurens, Iowa, on the 30th, for burial. The body was accompanied by the husband, only daughter, Mrs. Clanton, and a son, J. W. Farson, and sister, Elizabeth Kegler. Funeral sermon at the Truro church, by Eld. P. Reed, assisted by Rev. J. H. Creger.

The Pocahontas County Sun
Laurens, Iowa
Thursday, January 31, 1889
Page 3, Column 2

Mrs. J. H. Farson died last Monday, and on Tuesbay her remains were taken to Madison county for burial. A more extended obituary will appear next week.

The Pocahontas County Sun
Laurens, Iowa
Thursday, February 28, 1889
Page 3, Column 4

Mrs. Susan Farson.

We clip the following from the St. Charles Reporter:

On Tuesday morning of last week Isaac Holmes received a telegram from Dr. J. H. Farson, Laurens, Iowa, stating the his wife died Monday night; that they would be here with the body Wednesday, the 30th, and requesting him to make all necessary arrangements for the funeral.

For many a long and dreary day that terrible affliction, cancer of the breast, had been slowly but surely eating away her life, and on her 56th birthday it accomplished its fatal work. It was a long, patient, heroic, but hopeless struggle for life, in which the fell destroyer finally triumphed. Few suffer as she did the agony of body, but her soul was perfect peace. Her clearly expressed faith and hope snatched victory from the grave and gave more than an earthly joy to the bleeding hearts of relatives and friends.

The deceased early in life united with the Baptist church, and had been a devoted wife and mother, and a good neighbor, and was much respected and loved. She leaves, besides her husband, a son and daughter. She was known in this county very near as well as in Pocahontas, and to the bereaved family the sincerest sympathy is extended. The funeral services occurred on Wednesday forenoon and was one of the most largely attended funerals in the history of our town.

The services were conducted by Rev. Reed, pastor of the Christian church, assisted by Rev. Patterson, of the M. E. church. The remains were buried in the Hartman cemetery. A devoted mother, and a most exemplary woman in every way is thus given the rest of the tomb.

Coordinator's note: Maiden name taken from Madison County Marriage Record.

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Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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