Moses Foster (1881)
Posted By: Ida Morse
Date: 9/15/2007 at 18:49:05
Unknown newspaper
July 1881Obituary
Died, at his residence in Monroe township, Madison county, Iowa, July 14, 1881, of paralysis. Moses Foster, aged 79 years 6 months and 14 days. The subject of this Memoir was born in Brooke county, West Virginia, January 1, 1802. In 1805 with his parents he moved to Harrison county, Ohio, and in 1809 again to Tuscarawas county, where August 14, 1823, he was united in marriage to Miss Pirle (Peree) Kale, his now bereaved widow.
In the spring of 1855, with his family he moved to Iowa, and settled in Monroe township, Madison county, where he resided until his death, honored and beloved by all who knew him. For over forty years he was a member of the Christian church, and until the few past years one of its leading members.
On Sabbath afternoon before his death, we had the pleasure of spending a few hours with him at his quiet home among the fruit and shade trees planted by him in years gone by, little thinking then it would be the last ramble with one we so much loved and respected, but so it was on Thursday morning about 5 o’clock Mrs. Husted (Huston), their daughter, passed through his room and remarked that it had been raining. Uncle Moses, as he was familiarly known, replied, “Oh! I reckon not,” and got up looked out of the window and said “yes.” This was his last word spoken, he lay down on the bed again and in a few minutes his wife got up and told him that breakfast was nearly ready, when she saw to her horror that he was dying. She gave the alarm and the family was soon in the room, but only in time to see him breathe his last breath.
He leaves the partner of his youth and eight children, with a large circle of friends to mourn his sudden death. Four children preceded him to the spirit land. One Mrs. Diler (Iler), a former resident of Winterset and wife of the first editor of the Iowa Pilot, was killed by the Indians a number of years ago.
To the many friends and neighbors the family wishes to return their sincere thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown them in their hour of affliction and bereavement.
July 18, 1881
_________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, July 13, 1921
Page 1, Column 7IN DAYS OF LONG AGO
Items of Early History From the Old Files of The Madisonian
Forty Years Ago (July 16, 1881)The father of Nathaniel Foster of Walnut township died suddenly on Thursday morning at the advanced age of 78 years.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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