Simon Dinsmore (1878)
Posted By: Linda Brittain (email)
Date: 8/7/2007 at 15:41:33
Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa
June 13, 1878 – page 3Death of Mr. Dinsmore.
Died, at his residence in Winterset, June 6th, 1878, of congestion of the brain, Mr. Simon Dinsmore, aged sixty-five years.
Mr. Dinsmore was born in Anson, Maine, Feb. 6th, 1813, where he lived till he was twenty years of age, when he removed to Norridgewock in the same State.
In 1857 he came to Grinnell, Iowa, and remained there till 1875 when he made his home in Winterset.
He had just completed a very comfortable house, much of the work on which he did with his own hands.
He was one of those evenly tempered men that move quietly and pleasantly through life, faithfully and conscientiously doing his duty and interfering with no one. He was decided and clear in his views in all matters of a political, social or religious character. He was one of the original anti-slavery men, being a member of the first liberty party organized in Maine. He took his position when there were but few to stand with him and lived to see the principles he then espoused triumphant. He felt a practical interest in every good cause.
The cause of missions stirred his sympathies, which was evident by his contributions; but in a very unostentatious way, for he adopted the scriptural maxim “Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.”
Though death came suddenly it found him prepared, calmly resting on the merits and grace of Him whom he had long trusted and found faithful. To him death was surely gain, for his dying was but going home.
_________________________________________________________Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa
June 13, 1878 – page 7The funeral of Mr. Simon Dinsmore occurred last Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the residence of C. W. Parlin, Rev. Mr. Potter officiating. The deceased was the father of Mrs. C. W. Parlin, and one who was held high in estimation of all who knew him. He had been a resident here about four years, during which time he had gained many friends whose affection was justly bestowed on one of the strictest integrity, and of highly genteel acquirements. His sickness was of short duration, being taken Tuesday evening with congestion of the brain and died Thursday morning early. The family have the sympathy of the entire community for this their sudden and sad bereavement.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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