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Frank M. White (1931)


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 5/10/2007 at 18:11:13

Winterset Madisonian - July, 1931
Winterset, Iowa


Word was received here last Saturday of the death of Frank M. White, brother of J. P. White of Winterset, at San Francisco, California. The death of Mr. White occurred Friday, July 14th. He was 57 years old.

The deceased was well known in Winterset and his many friends will receive with regret the news of his death. From March, 1930, until April, 1931, he made his home here with his brother.

Frank M. White was born November 19th, 1875, at Atlantic, Iowa. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. White of that city. Learning the printing trade when he was a young man, he followed the newspaper profession throughout his life. In this career, he worked on papers throughout the United States and in several foreign countries.

Immediate survivors of the deceased are his sister, Mrs. George M. Post of Denver, Colorado, and his brother, J. P. White of Winterset. The funeral was held in Atlantic on Wednesday morning.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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