John Catterlin (1919)
Posted By: Mary Welty Hart
Date: 3/24/2007 at 11:12:04
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 7, 1919JOHN CATTERLIN, Pioneer Harness Maker Is Dead
John Catterlin, one of the early settlers of Madison county, and for 55 continuous years a harness maker and harness merchant, passed away at his home here about 8 p.m. Tuesday. He was ill ony ten days, and was at his place of business daily, until taken down with illness a little more than a week ago.
His son, Sherman Catterlin and daughter, Mrs. I. W. Barnett, arrived from California and his family were all present when the end came.
Funeral services will be held at the home tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 p.m. and the burial service will be conducted by the Masonic fraternity.
Friends of the family are requested to call at the home between 10 and 12, as the casket will not be opened in connection with the regular services.
While past 77 years of age, his health and activity in business and other affairs of life was remarkable for one of his age. He came to Madison county in 1863, just following his service in the Civil War. The following year he went to work at his trade, which he followed from that time till his death. He took a very active interest in Masonry, had been a member and regular attendant of that order for 56 years, and was affiliated with the Knight Templars and Mystic Shrine.
He will be greatly missed in the community where he so long lived. His old fashioned directness of speech, his honest and straightforward methods in business, his unfailing cheerfulness and kindheartedness were traits that endeared him to a wide circle of friends, who will revere his memory.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 7, 1919
Page 1, Column 7John Catterlin
John Catterlin, pioneer Winterset citizen and business man died at his residence on West Jefferson street Tuesday evening at 7:30 after a few days’ illness from pneumonia. After the first two or three days the physicians held out no hope for recovery. Mr. Catterlin established himself in the harness business years ago and was a successful business man. The funeral will be held at the residence Thursday afternoon at 2:30.
John Catterlin was a native of Indiana and was born in Adams county, October 4, 1841. At the age of fifteen he went to Fort Wayne, Indiana, to learn the harness trade and served an apprenticeship of three years. In 1858 the family moved to the west settling near Newbern, Iowa. John Catterlin accompanied his mother and family working in Chariton until September 1861, when he returned to Van Wert county, Ohio. There he enlisted as a soldier of the Union army in response to the country’s call for troops, becoming a member of Co. A Forty-sixth Ohio infantry, in which he served as a private for two years. He participated in the battle of Shiloh and in other important engagements. In the fall of 1863, he returned to Iowa, making his way to Madison county, where he carried on general farming for a year. In 1864 he took up his abode in Winterset and here began working at his trade.
In 1863, Mr. Catterlin was united in marriage to Miss Martha Ellen heath, a native of Ohio. She died in Winterset in 1873, leaving three children: Sherman, a traveling man of Minneapolis, Minn., Myrtle, who has passed away, and Daisy who is the wife of I.W. Barnett, living in California. For his second wife, Mr. Catterlin chose Miss Nannie Eyerly, a native of Iowa, who died in 1898. They were the parents of four children, Fay, who died at the age of seven years, Fern, John, deceased and Mary. Mr. Catterlin’s third wife was Miss Idelwild Redfield, who survives him.
In 1863, he was made a Mason at Chariton and when he removed to Winterset he was demitted to Even-Star Lodge, No. 43, A.F.&A.M.. He was likewise affiliated with Winterset Chapter, No. 11, R.A.M. and the Knights templar Commandery and Mystic Shrine at Des Moines. He was also connected with Pitzer Post, No. 55, G.A.R. His religious belief was indicated in his membership in the Methodist church, which found in him a loyal supporter. He was the oldest active business man in Winterset and the oldest Mason of his lodge.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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