Clarence L. Hart (1939)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 3/2/2007 at 08:55:50
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 10, 1939CLARENCE L. HART DIES
Clarence L. Hart, who formerly lived in Webster township, died last Saturday, May 6th, at the home of his son, Wallace Hart in Emmett, Idaho. Mr. Hart who was 74 years of age, was born in this county, a son of A. M. and Caroline Hart. He was married to Miss Lillie Wight of this county, and they moved west thirty-five years ago.
His wife preceded him in death, but he leaves their five sons and one daughter: Mrs. Ted Lee of Ames, and Arley, Claude, Leonard, Wallace and Lloyd who reside in the west. He is also survived by five sisters, Mrs. George Ryan of Clements, Minn., and Mrs. D. W. Krell, Mrs. J. W. Krell, Mrs. Arch Wight and Mrs. D. A. Brock of Winterset.
The body is being taken to Edgar, Montana, a former home of the Harts, where he will be buried by his wife, May 11th.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, May 18, 1939
Clarence L. Hart, former resident of Madison county, who made his home in Emmett, Idaho, for the past several years, died there Saturday, May 6. Mr. Hart, who was 74 years of age, was born March 4, 1865 in Madison county.
He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ted Lee of Ames; four sisters, Mrs. John Krell, Mrs. D. A. Brock, Mrs. Arch Wight and Mrs. Dayton Krell of Winterset and another sister, Mrs. George Ragan who lives in Minnesota, and numerous other relatives in Idaho.
The funeral services were held Thursday, May 11 in Edgar, Montana, where burial was made.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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