Lucy H. (Mitchell) Huffman (1957)
Posted By: Ida Morse
Date: 2/12/2007 at 15:00:34
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, January 9, 1957
Mrs. Lucy H. Huffman of near Winterset died this Tuesday at Madison county Memorial hospital in Winterset. She was 81 years of age.
Mrs. Huffman was a native of McCune county, Kansas, where she was born Nov 9, 1875, but had made her home in this community for many years. She had been living at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Robinson of near Winterset.
Funeral services will be held this Friday at 2 p.m. from the Anderson home for funerals. Burial will be made in the Winterset cemetery. The Rev. Earl Streyffeler will conduct the services.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, January 16, 1957
Page 2Here To Attend Huffman Service
Among those who were here Friday from a distance, to attend funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Huffman were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mitchell of Corydon, Mrs. Joe May and son of Des Moines, Mrs. Gertrude Pratt of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Mitchell of Dallas Center, Joe Klingaman of Redfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rostat, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Audra buck, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klingston, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Vandewater, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vandewater and Marion Mitchell of Greenfield.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, January 16, 1957
Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Huffman of Winterset were held last Friday from the Anderson home for funerals. The Rev. Earl Streyffeller of the Webster Methodist church conducted the services. Burial was made in the Winterset cemetery.
Mrs. Huffman's death occurred Tuesday, Jan. 8, at the Madison county Memorial hospital in Winterset, at the age of 81 years.
She was the former Lucy Mitchell, daughter of William and Elizabeth Mitchell, and was born in Kansas on Nov. 9, 1875. She was married to Byron Huffman of Winterset on Oct. 11, 1898. They were the parents of one daughter. They lived in Madison, Adair and Guthrie counties until 1914, when they moved to Minnesota. Following Mr. Huffman's death in 1928, Mrs. Huffman and daughter returned to Winterset to make their home.
Mrs. Huffman was a member of the Church of Christ, and the Royal Neighbors lodge.
She is survived by the daughter, Mrs. Treva Robinson, with whom she made her home. She also leaves a grandson; and two sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Pratt of Creston and Mrs. Della McKay of Kansas City, Kansas.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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