Frederick H.enry Meyer (1950)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 2/5/2007 at 12:45:23
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
He Had Lived on Jefferson Township Farm for 65 Years
Frederick H. Meyer, who died at his farm home in Jefferson township July 26, was a native of Clayton county, where he was born Feb. 5, 1863. He spent his early childhood in that community. When he was 10 years of age, he moved to Madison county, and the remainder of his life was lived here with the exception of a year spent in California when he was a young man.
Mr. Meyer was married March 2, 1886, to Alice Mae Roderick. They were the parents of three sons, and one daughters. His 64 years of married life and one year prior to that were spent on the farm where his death occurred.
In early life he was a member of Trinity Lutheran church. He later transferred to the Jefferson U. B. church. He was also active in Farm Bureau and other local activities.
Surviving are his wife; three sons, Clarence Meyer of Winterset and Earl and Alvin Meyer of Van Meter; the daughter, Mrs. Mae Gowin of Van Meter; two half brothers, August Westphal of California and Fred Westphal of Indiana; a niece, Mrs. Callie Student of Nebraska; 12 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Friday from the Jefferson U. B. church, in charge of the pastor, the Rev. William Suckow. Burial was made in the cemetery there.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, July 26, 1950
Page 1F. H. Meyer Died Early Wednesday
Had Lived on Jefferson Township Farm for 64 Years
F. H. Meyer, one of Madison county’s oldest residents, died at his farm home in Jefferson township this Wednesday morning, July 26, after an illness of six weeks.
Mr. Meyer was 87 years of age. He had lived on his Jefferson township farm for 64 years, and he and Mrs. Meyer observed their sixty-fourth wedding anniversary last March.
In addition to his wife, near surviving relatives are three sons, Clarence Meyer of Winterset and Alvin and Earl Meyer of Van Meter, and a daughter, Mrs. May Gowin who has been living on the farm with her parents recently. He also leaves a number of grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held this Friday at 2:30 p.m. from the Jefferson church in charge of the pastor, the Rev. William Suckow. Burial will be made in the cemetery there.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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