Eva Garnetta Hiskey (1951)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 1/2/2007 at 10:18:24
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, September 5, 1951FORMER CUMMING GIRL, 14, DIES OF POLIO
Funeral services for Eva Garnetta Hiskey, 14, formerly of Cumming, were held last Thursday afternoon in Des Moines. Burial was made at Altoona.
The young girl died of polio at Lombard, Ill., where she lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hiskey.
She lived most of her life in Cumming and attended school there before moving to Lombard three years ago. She was a member of the Cumming Community church.
Surviving are her parents, a brother, Harold of Peru, three sisters, Geraldine of Des Moines, Mrs. Juanita Pinkston of Glen Ellyn, Ill., and Kay at home, and her grandmother, Mrs. Maude Fortune of Des Moines.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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