Harmon A. McKinzie (1961)
Posted By: Treva Patterson
Date: 9/29/2006 at 18:20:17
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, January 25, 1961
Page 1H. A. McKinzie Dies Suddenly
H. A. McKinzie, well-known Macksburg livestock buyer, died suddenly Tuesday night, of a heart attack.
Mr. McKinzie was stricken suddenly while attending a high school basketball game at Earlham. He was rushed to memorial hospital by ambulance, but his death occurred about the time he arrived at the hospital.
Mr. McKinzie was 59 years of age.
The body is at the Watts and Soil Funeral Home at Lorimor.
Funeral arrangements had not been completed as the Madisonian went to press.
__________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Funeral services were held last Saturday from the Macksburg Methodist church for Harmon A. McKinzie of that community. Burial was made in Moon cemetery there.
Mr. McKinzie's death occurred Jan. 24 at Memorial hospital in Winterset, following a stroke. He was 59 years of age.
With the exception of six months in Kansas, his life was spent in Madison county. He was born near Macksburg on Dec. 10, 1901, a son of B. C. and Linnie Rowe McKinzie. He engaged in farming most of his life, and in recent years had operated a hog buying station at his farm near Macksburg.
As a young man he became a member of the Macksburg Methodist church, and at the time of his death was a member of the official board of that church.
Mr. McKinzie was active in many phases of his community's affairs. He was a charter member and one of the first directors of the Madison county Angus association. He was chairman of the Macksburg school reorganization board; served on the Madison county Extension council for several years; and was a Farm Bureau member, serving as a leader of the Grand River township 4-H club.
He was a member of the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah lodges at Macksburg, and recently was instrumental in the organization of the lodge at Afton, leaving the captain's post Jan. 16 of this year.
On Feb. 22, 1920, he was married at Winterset to Bertha B. Bennett, who survives him. He also leaves a son, R. B. McKinzie of Greenfield; a daughter, Mrs. Melvin Wallace of Denver; 10 grandchildren; and a brother, Marion McKinzie of Winterset.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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