Samuel Hervey Doak (1943)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 9/3/2006 at 14:56:18
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, March 31, 1943S. H. DOAK DIED HERE THURSDAY
Funeral Services Held on Saturday at Anderson's Funeral Home
Samuel H. Doak, 80-year-old Madison county resident, died at the Winterset hospital last Thursday after several years of failing health.
Since coming to Madison county at the age of 15 years, Mr. Doak had spent his entire life here, with the exception of 27 years in Minnesota. Most of his life was spent in farming.
Mr. Doak was born in Washington county, Penn., the son of S. H. and Isabella Myers Doak. His only near surviving relatives are a brother, Ed Doak of Montana, and a sister, Miss Lucy Doak of Winterset.
Funeral services were held Saturday from Anderson's Funeral home, in charge of the Rev. Arthur Mortenson, pastor of the Winterset Presbyterian church. Burial was made in the Winterset cemetery.
_________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, April 1, 1943
Page 1, Column 6SAMUEL H. DOAK DIED MARCH 25
Samuel Hervey Doak, aged 80, died at the Winterset hospital Thursday morning, March 25, following several years of poor health. The funeral was at the Anderson Funeral Home Saturday morning with the Rev. Arthur Mortenson in charge of the service. Interment was in the Winterset cemetery.
Samuel Hervey Doak, son of Samuel Hughes and Isabelle Myers Doak, was born March 4, 1863, in Washington county, Pennsylvania. He remained single all his life, and made his home here in Iowa most of the time. He lived in the state of Minnesota for 27 years.
He is survived by one sister, Miss Lucy Doak of Winterset, and one brother, Edmund Doak of Buffalo, Montana.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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