Elizabeth (Tuttle) Woods (1945)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 8/24/2006 at 14:17:47
Winterset Madisonian
Wednesday, June 13, 1945MRS. ELIZABETH WOODS DIES AT 100 YEARS
Mrs. Elizabeth Woods of Peru, who celebrated her one hundredth birthday last November 29 at her home in Peru, died June 5 there. She had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Laura Farr.
Mrs. Woods had been in her usual good health until just a few days before her death.
Funeral services were held from the Kale Funeral home in Truro last Friday, in charge of the Rev. P. E. Cooper of Winterset. Burial was made in the Union cemetery in Clarke county.
_________________________Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, June 13, 1945
Page 9Peru Happenings
Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, 100 Years Old, Died at Home of Daughter
Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, who was 100 years, 6 months and 6 days old, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Laura Farr on June 5th. She was in her usual health until the last few days, and up to the last day she was able to take her meals as usual. She had made her home with Mrs. Farr the past 26 years. The funeral was held at the Kale funeral home in Truro Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock conducted by the Rev. Cooper of Winterset and burial was made in the Union cemetery in Clarke county by the side of her husband Harvey M. Woods.
Those from a distance who came for the funeral were Joe Woods of San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Frank Liechti of St. Joseph, Mo., Mrs. Francis Clatterbaugh of Ames, Elmer Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joy of Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Simmons of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Woods and daughter Elsa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woods, Vernon Woods, True Woods, and Roy Woods all of Murray, and Miss Hazel Farr of Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koboldt of Earlham. Mrs. Liechti, Joe Woods and George Woods remained over Saturday with Mrs. Farr.
_________________________Coordinator's note: Maiden name from Jefferson County, Indiana Marriage Records.
Gravestone Photo
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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