Chester A. Boughton (1961)
Posted By: Treva Patterson
Date: 4/24/2006 at 15:29:51
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 3, 1961C. A. BOUGHTON OF MURRAY DIES
Chester A. Boughton of Thayer died Saturday, April 29, at a Des Moines hospital. He formerly lived near Truro and St. Charles for many years.
Mr. Boughton was 72 years of age. He was a native of Cherokee, where he was born Aug. 12, 1888, a son of Charley and Mary Bouten Boughton. His life was spent in farming. He had lived near Murray the last 10 years.
He was married at St. Charles May 20, 1911, to Etta E. Miller, who survives him. He also leaves six children, Mrs. Naomi Crig of Clear Lake, Mrs. Leona Hunt of Murray, Elias Boughton of New Hampshire, Mrs. Mary Stalcup of Lorimor, Loren Boughton of Booneville and Mrs. Elda Gregory of Des Moines. He also leaves two half brothers, Newell Shoup of Des Moines and Loren Shoup of Rock Island, Illinois; two half sister, Mrs. Nell Bonney of Graybull, Wyo., and Mrs. Margaret Kinsey of New Virginia; 14 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held this Tuesday from the St. Charles Christian church, in charge of the Rev. Dale Lockhart. Burial was made in the St. Charles cemetery.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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