Jennie (Pindell) Ballard (1964)
Posted By: Treva Patterson
Date: 4/9/2006 at 14:47:10
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, December 16, 1964JENNIE BALLARD DIES AT 91 YEARS
Death Occurred Thursday at Adair County Hospital In Greenfield
Mrs. Jennie Ballard, a resident of Macksburg since 1935, died last Thursday, Dec. 10, at the Adair county hospital in Greenfield. She was 91 years of age.
Mrs. Ballard was the former Virginia Pindell, daughter of Cass and Melissa Pindell. She was born June 9, 1893, at Arnheim, Ohio.
She came to Iowa with her parents, as a small child, and lived most of her life here. She was married Jan. 15, 1893 to Charles M. Ballard.
Surviving are a son, Claire Ballard of Macksburg; a grandson, Keith W. Ballard of Albuquerque, N. Mexico; a granddaughter, Mrs. William D. Swan of Cortez, Colo., and three grandsons.
Funeral services were held Sunday from the Macksburg Methodist church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Donald Frank. Burial was made in Moon cemetery at Macksburg.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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