Dr. James Sloan (1915)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 3/9/2006 at 17:26:24
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 26, 1915Dr. James Sloan, an old resident of Winterset was born near Harrisville, Belmont county, Ohio, on October 10, 1824 and died May 23, 1915, at his home in Winterset, aged 90 years, 6 months and 28 days.
He lived in Ohio, where he graduated from Jefferson medical college and practiced his profession for a number of years, coming to Winterset, April 1869.
He was married to Miss Sarah Dickinson of Harrison county, Ohio, October, 1853, who died in September, 1891. He was married to Miss Annie Moreland November, 1892, who has been a faithful companion and was a constant attendant at his bedside during his long illness.
The funeral services were conducted from the home by Rev. Dr. Corkey Tuesday afternoon.
_______________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 26, 1915
Page 5, Column 4Obituary
Dr. James Sloan was born near Harrisville, Belmont county, Ohio on October 10, 1824 and died on May 23, 1915 at his home in Winterset, aged 90 years, 6 months and 28 days.
He spent his youth in Ohio where he received his education and graduated from the Jefferson medical college. He practiced hi profession in his native state for a number of years.
Here he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Dickenson of Harrison county, Ohio, in October 1853. They came to Winterset in April 1869.
They brought their church letters with them to the new country and united with the First Presbyterian church of this place. They were actively identified with all church work from the very first and continued so until failing health interfered. Their co-workers of those days still treasure memories of their faithfulness in mission work, Bible class and Sabbath school. Mrs. Sloan died in September 1891.
Dr. Sloan’s home was the home of several young men at various times who were assisted by him in procuring an education. One of them read medicine with him, graduated and became a partner in his practice..
Dr. Sloan was married in November 1892 to Miss Anna Moreland who has been a faithful companion and was a constant attendant at his bedside during his long illness. They took a young man into their home, helped him to an education and gave him a start in life. He is now a successful farmer in Idaho. Many here remember Frank Allen.
Dr. Sloan had an extensive and profitable practice until declining health compelled him to relinquish active work. His cheerful and kindly greeting of friends and acquaintances, his personal worth and dignified bearing will long be remembered.
He is survived by his widow and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Steel, of Washington, Iowa.
Dr. Sloan died as he had lived, a Christian. He had a strong faith in God and a firm belief in his word. In his last moments he looked up first in wonder and curiosity, then in rapture as he exclaimed “I’m going up.” and he was gone. Rev. Corkey conducted the funeral service at the home on Tuesday afternoon.
_______________________Coordinator's note: Buried in the Winterset Cemetery per the cemetery ledger.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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