Walter W. Clark (1960)
Posted By: Treva Patterson
Date: 3/7/2006 at 14:12:11
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, January 4, 1961
Death Ends 62 Years Work at Printing Trade in Winterset
Walter W. Clark, member of a pioneer Madison county family and a member of the Winterset Madisonian staff for 58 years, died at Memorial hospital here Thursday, Dec. 29. His death ended an illness of several weeks. He was 80 years of age.
Mr. Clark was born in Winterset, March 23, 1880, a son of Joshua C. and Cynthia Thornburg Clark. He was a grandson of Caleb and Ruth Clanton Clark, who were members of that first band of pioneers who established the first permanent settlement in Madison county in the spring of 1846.
Mr. Clark's death ended 62 years of service as a printer on Winterset newspapers. He started in the trade on the old Winterset News, in 1898. In 1902, he came to the Madisonian as foreman, and continued as a member of this newspaper's staff up until the time of his death, a period of 58 years. During all that time, until the last few years, he served as foreman of the shop.
He was widely known among Iowa newspapermen as one of the outstanding shop foremen in the state.
Mr. Clark was a life-long resident of Winterset. He was married here in November, 1904, to Berteen Snyder. His church affiliation was with the First Christian of Winterset.
Surviving are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Dale Hanson of Winterset, Mrs. Victor Mantz of Mission, Tex., and Mrs. Marvin Wilson of Winterset; and one son, W. Ed Clark of Winterset. He also leaves 10 grandchildren; two great granddaughters; and two brothers, Claude Clark of Winterset and Charles Clark of Omaha, Nebr.
Funeral services were held Saturday from the First Christian church of Winterset, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Robert Owens. Burial was made in the Winterset Cemetery.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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