J. A. Pickering, 1855-1911
Posted By: Stephen D. Williams (email)
Date: 7/19/2005 at 01:49:28
Iowa City Daily Press
Johnson County, Iowa
Friday, 15 December 1911
page 8 of 8, column 3J. A. PICKERING
Iowa City lost one of its best known citizens, this afternoon, when J. A. Pickering passed away at his home, 610 East Brown street, after a rather extended illness.
The end was not unexpected, and his children had been summoned to his side, during the past morning.
Mr. Pickering was a pioneer business man, and his "China Hall", for years and years in the Odd Fellow's block, was a familiar ****** ** the business world of the Athens[?] for a generation.
Funeral arrangements will be announced tomorrow. Mr. Pickering will be missed and mourned by scores . He was 56 years, 9 months and 2 days of age.-----------------------------
Iowa City Daily Press
Johnson County, Iowa
Saturday, 16 December 1911
page 1 of 8, column 3J. A. PICKERING'S
John A. Pickering, Iowa city's estimable business pioneer, whose death was chronicled herein, last evening, will be laid to rest tomorrow in Oakland cemetery.
The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock from the Trinity church, and Rev. Dr. W. D. Williams will officiate, assisted by Rev. Dr. C. C. Rowlison.
Friends who wish to view the remains may call at the Pickering home, 610 East Brown street, between 11 o'clock and noon, tomorrow.
Mr. Pickering has bee a resident of Iowa City almost 55 years, having come hither from England as a child of about 2. he engaged in business one may almost say at the age of 10, and had been a familiar figure in the world of affairs throughout all the years since. His connection with the "China Hall" in the I. O. O. F. block, and elsewhere has been faithful and devoted for 41[?] years of service and proprietorship. he was a man of honor and energy: ability and worth; and will be remembered, respected and mourned long in the city he has helped to build.
When the end came, Friday, Dec., 15, Mr. Pickering was 56 years, 9 months and 2 days of age.
Surviving are his six children--John C., of Seattle, Wash.; and George Watson E., Mrs. Geneva Kinney, Arthur, Marjorie and Dorothy, of Iowa City. His aged parents Mr. and Mrs. George Pickering, his brother William Pickering, of Seattle; and his sister, Mrs. Louise Williams, wife of Dr. Williams, of Wayne, Nev., also survive. All are here, except the brother in the west, who will not be able to attend the last sad rites, unfortunately.
Mr. Pickering was the valued brother of the Red Mens order, and was a faithful officer--the chief--in that organization. The lodge feels keenly the loss to its roster of so esteemed a fellow worker. The red Men will attend the services in a body, Sunday.
He is also a member of the Banker's Reserve, No. 40, and that organaztion [sic] likewise grieving will attend en masse also.page 4 of 8, column 4
All members of the O. K. Camp, No. 189 are requested to meet at the hall Sunday afternoon at 1:30 to attend the funeral of neighbor John A. Pickering.-----------------------------
Iowa City Daily Press
Johnson County, Iowa
Monday, 18 December 1911
page 5, column 6LAST SERVICE
Funeral services of the late John A. Pickering tok [sic] place Sunday afternoon from Trinity Episcopal church, conducted by the rector, Rev. Dr. W. D. Williams, assisted by Rev. C. C. Rowlison. The order of Red Men led by Mr. E. A. Patterson assisted at the grave, by request of the deceased, as were the services in the church by his request.
The church was crowded with relatives and friends, and the many bouquets and floral pieces gave mute but eloquent expression to the high esteem in which Mr. Pickering was held by church, lodges, and friends. The pall-bearers, Messrs. Lyon, Hands, Reno, Moon, Byington and Lake were selected some weeks ago by him whose remains were tenderly bourne by them to the hearse and at the grave.
All the members of the family, residing in Iowa City and Mrs. Louis Pickering Williams, wife of Dr. Williams, of Wayne, Neb., were in attendance at the funeral, his only brother, Mr. Wililam [sic] Pickering, a prominent business man in Seattle, was unable to come.
John A. Pickering was born in England, March 2, 1835, and, two years later, his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Pickering removed to Iowa City where he spent his entire life, and for nearly thirty years was an honored business man, owning and operating the "China Hall" store.
The last few months of his life were passed in pain and weakness, from which, for some weeks, he knew he could never rise, but he endured, with his thoughts chiefly for others: a beautiful example of de-desire [sic] to live and of preparedness to depart.
Surviving are his widow, who will continue to occupy the homestead, and his six children, John C. of Seattle, who came here some weeks ago, at the call of the father; and the following: George Watson, Mrs. Geneva Pickering Kinney, Arthur, Marjorie and Dorothy, all residing in this city. The aged parents also reside here: the only sister lives in Wayne, Neb., and the only brother resides in Seattle.
His end was peace.
Johnson Obituaries maintained by Cindy Booth Maher.
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