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CHARLTON, John 1815 - 1890


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 11/13/2012 at 21:05:52

"The Fairfield Tribune"
Wednesday, June 25, 1890
Page 8, Column 1

A Sturdy Pioneer Gone.

John CHARLTON, who had resided in Buchanan township, this county, since 1845, died on Friday last in his 74th year. He was buried in the Richwoods cemetery Sunday, June 22. Through the death of Mr. CHARLTON Jefferson county loses one of its most prosperous and influential citizens. He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter to mourn for him.


"The Fairfield Tribune"
Wednesday, July 2, 1890
Page 1, Column 4



The Reaper Gathers Greedily the Ripe and Ripening Grain, but Spares the Flowers That Grow Between.

Death has been busy in and about Fairfield of late. Strangely, considering the season and the excessive heat, he has left the little ones and taken adult and the old. The death of John CHARLTON was reported last week, but a completer history and a fitting tribute by a friend are given here:


John CHARLTON died at his residence in Richwoods, Jefferson county, Iowa, June 20, 1890, of dropsy. He was the oldest son of Samuel and Nancy CHARLTON, born Nov. 8, 1815, in Franklin county, Penn. Moved to Jefferson county in 1846 and settled on a farm in Richwoods where he lived and died. He was married in 1854 to Keziah BELL. After coming to Iowa, he united with the M. E. church. He was a man esteemed among all his friends and neighbors as exceedingly honest and upright in all his ways. On the 7th of February, 1890, he had a stroke of paralysis from which he only partially recovered when dropsy set in. In all his sufferings which were great he brought to God a patient heart. Much of his time was spent in prayer and singing. His favorite hymns were "Come thou Fount of Every Blessing," and "Rock of Ages Cleft for Me." Having fully realized that the time had come for him to depart and be with Jesus he set his house in order and waited till the call came, committing his loved ones to the care of the blessed Father. He leaves a loved companion, one daughter, and two sons, and two sisters, Mrs. A. GREEN and Margaret GARMOE, who with many friends are left to look and long for him who will return no more to their loving hearts.

But oh! there is never a grief of heart
That shall lack a timely end
If to God we turn and ask
Him to be our guide and friend.



"The Fairfield Ledger"
Wednesday, July 2, 1890
Page 3, Columns 8 & 9


Editors Ledger:-- John CHARLTON died at his residence in Buchanan township, on the 20th ult, from dropsy, his illness dating from February 7th, when he was stricken with paralysis. Deceased was the eldest son of Samuel and Nancy CHARLTON, and was born November 8th, 1815, in Franklin county, Pa. He removed to Iowa in 1846 and located on the farm on which he died. In March, 1854, he was married to Keziah BELL, who, with one daughter and two sons, survives him. He united with the M. E. church shortly after his removal to Iowa, and was esteemed by all as an exceedingly honest and upright man in all his ways. In all his sufferings, which were great, he brought to God a patient heart, and much of his time was spent in singing and prayer. Fully realizing that the time was at hand for him to depart and be with Jesus, he set his house in order and waited till the summons came, committing his dear ones to the care of the blessed father.


*The above obituaries (transcribed by the poster) and photo below were contributed for posting by Jane Worley Knapp, a relative, who grants permission to freely copy for private or public use.

Note: Buried in Upper Richwoods Cemetery with wife Kizia/Keziah who died in 1894. It is not clear who the friend was that wrote the obituaries, but his initials are transposed between the second and third articles; this is the way they appeared in the microfilm copies of the newspaper and is not a transcriber error.


Jefferson Obituaries maintained by Joey Stark.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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