Knight, Wm. T. d. 1892
Posted By: Barbara Hug (email)
Date: 7/12/2003 at 09:07:16
DES MOINES, IA., May 22d, 1892, Ed. Journal: I am just in receipt of intelligence from Pasadena, California, announcing the death of my old friend Wm. T. Knight, formely a resident of Jasper county whom many of your older citizens will no doubt remrmber.
He moved to Pasadena about twelve years ago, where he has since resided, engaged in Real Estate business. For the past two or three years he has been in poor health, and on the 11th inst. passed quietly. Mr. Knight served three years in the war of the Rebellion, entering the service at Muscatine, Iowa; he was first Lieutenant of his company of which he was in command for a year and a half, and a braver man never drew sword in defense of his country. He was a kind father a devoted husband and true to his friends; one of the best men I ever knew, and deserves a blessed immortality. As a man approaches the end of his alloted time on earth how rapidly his friends pass away, until the most of those whom he loved have gone, then when his summons comes he is ready, for this world has largely lost its attraction. Respectfully, Geo. R. Hogin. ~ The Newton Journal, May 25, 1892.
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