Ashley, Riley 1821-1893
Posted By: Dee Helphrey Stamper (email)
Date: 7/12/2003 at 22:06:13
The Newton Journal, Newton, IA
Jan. 18, 1893
An Old Citizen GoneMr. Riley Ashley, one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens, died very suddenly at his home south of Newton on Monday night at about 11:30. He had retired about 9 o’clock and felt in his usual health until about 10:30 when he wakened his wife and remarked that he was not feeling well and within an hour his soul departed from the body and a happy family was bereft of a father and a loving wife was alone with her children.
Mr. Riley Ashley was born in Knox County, Ohio, Mar. 8, 1821, and came to Fairfield, Iowa in the fall of 1849 where he lived until the spring of 1860, when he made his home in this county and has since then been closely connected in the affairs of our county and town. He was the second Sheriff of Jasper county and since that time has held many minor offices. He was also a charter member of the Newton Lodge No. 53 A.F.& A.M. and has always been held in high esteem by his brother Masons; also in the M.E. Church, of which he was an active member of long standing, he will be sorely missed.
Besides a brother and sister he leaves a sorrowing wife and the following children; Harry, who lives in Des Moines; John in Baxter, Mrs. Anna Stephenson in Adair; Mrs. Phoebe Ashton in Topeka, Kan, and Ellsworth and Kate, who are still at home.
The funeral service will be held in the M.E. Church in this city today at 1 o’clock.
In the death of Riley Ashley, the community loses a man who was among her most prominent and respected citizens; always living an upright and honest life, he had the highest esteem of all, in the home circle he was a loving husband and a kind and indulgent father.
To the bereaved ones all the comfort that human sympathy affords is certainly theirs as the community mourns his death.
Jasper Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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