Agnew, Dolly 1871-1896
Posted By: Volunteer Transcriber
Date: 6/24/2003 at 23:54:39
Mrs. Dolly Agnew, wife of Mr. Chas. W. Agnew died at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Elliott, in Colfax last Wednesday morning, January 8th. When the sad tidings reached Newton it carried sorrow to the hearts of the many friends who had known and learned to love Mrs. Agnew during her residence here.
Mrs. Dolly Main Agnew was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Main, and was born on the old farm homestead between Colfax and Prairie City, on the 22nd day of August 1871. She was married to Chas. W. Agnew, of this city, June 9, 1891, and soon after she and her young husband came to Newton to make their home. Her sweet disposition and many womanly characteristics soon won for her the love and admiration of all with whom she came in contact. They united with the M. E. Church, and from the first became diligent and faithful workers in the cause of the Master. In the Sabbath school, Epworth League and in all church work, they took the most active interest, until about one year ago, when Mrs. Angew’s health failed, and her physician advised her removal to the mountains. Last February her husband took her to Boulder, Colorado, with the hope that the mountain air would bring back again the bloom of health to her cheek. But, alas, consumption had marked her its prey, and she continued to decline. After an absence of about six months they returned to Colfax, knowing that the end was not far distant. A slight improvement at first, inspired a glimmer of hope, but it soon vanished. Through her long suffering, she rested implicitly on the blessed promises of the Master, which ever sustained her.
The remains were brought to Newton this morning, and taken to the M. E. Church, where they were viewed by hundreds of friends. The casket was almost buried in a mound of beautiful flowers, brought by loving, sorrowing friends. The funeral services were held at two o’clock p. m., Rev. E. C. Brooks, a former pastor of the church, under whose ministry Mrs. Agnew was received into the church, preached the funeral sermon. The Epworth League attended in a body. To the young husband, whose burden of sorrow is now almost too heavy to bear, the tenderest sympathy of the entire community is extended.
Jasper Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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