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Lund, Olive Arminda (Knapp) 1885-1925


Posted By: Janice Young (email)
Date: 5/25/2003 at 16:52:17


A wide circle of friends of Mrs. John Lund have been saddened by her unexpected death ealy Sunday morning. She was not taken sick until Saturday night.

Funeral services are being held this afternoon, as The Herald goes to press, from the Congregational church, conducted by Rev. E.M. Vittum.
Interment will be in Hazelwood.

Olive Arminda Knapp was born in Colfax, the child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp. She passed her fortieth birthday on the second of last January.
She has lived a useful, helpful, loving life, interested in her home and in all good things. She is deeply mourned by her husband and her little son, Robert, and by the many who have known her during her happy, active life in Grinnell.

Source: Grinnell Herald, August 25, 1925




Funeral services for Mrs. John Lund were held Tuesday afternoon at the Congregational Church.

Rev. E.M. Vittum conducted the services and Mrs. Snook, Dr. E.E. Harris, Fred Morrison and Miss Bartless presented the music.

The pall bearers, John Robson of Laurel, Hugo Hasselbrink of Kellogg, Carl Hasselbrink of Reasnor, William Hasselbrink of Kellogg and Louis Hasselbrink of Grinnell, were all brother-in-laws of the deceased.

A large number of friends and relatives from out of town were present as follows: Mrs. Sara Knight of Des Moines, Fred Wenita and family of Bondurant, John Robson and family of Laurel, James Knapp of Colfax, Mike Williams and wife of Newton, Mrs. Riley of Newton, Mrs. Jennie Chew of Newton, Robert Atkinson and family of Marshalltown, Lois McKeever and Williams of New Hartford, Dick Tripp and wife and sister Grace of Newton, Charles Tripp and wife of Colfax, Charles Hasselbrink, Amelia and Lois of Kellogg, Carl Hasselbrink and family of Reasnor, William Hasselbrink and family of Newton, Albert Hasselbrink of Laurel, Hugo Hasselbrink and family of north Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Reed of south Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. William Menk of Newton.

Interment was in Hazelwood.

Miss Olive Arminda Knapp was born in Clear Creek township, Jasper County, Iowa, January 2, 1885. She moved with her family to Colfax at the age of five where she spent most of her girlhood days.

She was united in marriage to John Lund of Kellogg, August 25, 1908. To this union there were born two children, Robert and John. They spent the first part of their married life on a farm northeast of Grinnell and the latter part in Laurel and Grinnell.


We wish to express our appreciation to the neighbors, K.P. Lodge, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen and Daughters of Veterans for the sympathy shown us and the help extended at the time of our bereavement; also for the beautiful floral offerings.

John and Robert Lund and relatives.

Source; Grinnell Herald, August 28, 1925


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