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James A. Merrit(1844-1921)


Posted By: Anne Hermann (email)
Date: 5/10/2008 at 06:43:44

Jackson Sentinel
December 30, 1921

Andrew items

The more aged residents here will remember the subject of this sketch, whose death occurred at his late home at Aztec, N. Mex.

James A. Merritt died at Aztec, N. M., December 5, 1921, and the remains, accompanied by his son, Lant, arrived in Sturgis, Monday of this week. Funeral services were held from the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon and were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Carrol D. Erskine, and were largely attended. The church auditorium was filled to capacity. Olive Branch Lodge No. 47, A. F. & A. M., Bear Butte Lodge No. 46, I. O. O. F., and Calvin Duke Post No. 143, G. A. R., attended in a body. The choir of the church under the efficient leadership of Miss Hammond, sang three very comforting selections. The casket was draped with the American flag and covered with a profusion of flowers. The body was laid to rest in Bear Butte cemetery beside the remains of his wife, who passed away seven years ago.

The pall bearers were George Lutz, J. D. Hale, O. J. Hanson, Chris Jordan, A. W. Anderson and George Horlocker. The Masonic services were conducted in the church and at the graveside. The G. A. R. also held service at the grave, a firing squad, consisting of American Legion men, fired three volleys after which tape were sounded by J. J. McGlone.

James Andrew Merritt was born in Jones county, Iowa, February 23, 1844, and at the time of his demise was 77 years, 9 months and 12 days of age. He joined the army while living at the home farm three miles north of Andrew, Iowa, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Merritt, at the age of sixteen years and served nearly four years. In 1866 at DeWitt, Iowa, he was married to Miss Alice McLaughlin. They came to the Black Hills in 1878, and lived on ranches on Whitewood and Deep Creek. About six years ago he went to the Black Hills in 1878, and lived on ranches on Whitewood and Deep Creek. About six years ago he went to Montana and then to Arizona, and later to the soldiers’ home at Los Angeles, Calif., and shortly before his death had gone to New Mexico. The deceased leaves to mourn his loss five sons, Charles of New Mexico, Lant and Clifford of Loveland, Colo.; Ernest of Belle Fourche, and Walter of Taft, Calif. Two daughters, Mrs. Annie Beam of Townsend, Montana, and Mrs. Addie Ernst of Chadron, Neb.; another daughter, Mrs. Jessie McCracken, died at Sturgis a number of years ago. A sister, Mrs. Jos. Merritt Sr. of Sturgis, and three half-brothers, one of whom, Charles Merritt, of Ponca, Neb., was present at the funeral. The other two are F. M. Merritt of Andrew, Iowa, and John Merritt of Fulton, Iowa.

Mr. Merritt was a charter member of the local Masonic fraternity. He was a member of the Presbyterian church at DeWitt, Iowa. He was a kind father, a good neighbor and of a big, generous heart, always ready to lend a hand to the needy and unfortunate. He was widely known throughout the Hills and had a host of friends who will regret his loss and also who extend sympathy to the bereaved.

Mrs. J. A Merritt favored us with this obituary, taken from a Sturgis, S. D., paper.

Friends here in the groom’s former home town will be interest in this clipping taken from the Dubuque Times Journal.


Jackson Obituaries maintained by Nettie Mae Lucas.
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